Amber Laurin's Blog

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Chapter 8 June 24, 2010

Filed under: PRCA 2330,Reading Notes — amberlaurin @ 12:14 pm

Chapter 8: Evaluation

The basic evaluation questions that any practitioner should ask:

  • Was the activity or program adequately planned?
  • Did the recipients of the message understand it?
  • How could the program strategy have been more effective?
  • Were all primary and secondary audiences reached?
  • Was the desired organizational objective achieved?
  • What unforseen circumstances affected the success of the program or activity?
  • Did the program or activity fall within the budget set for it?
  • What steps can be taken to improve the success of similar future activities?

Different forms of measurement of message exposure:

Media Impressions: the potential audience reached by a periodical, a broadcast program, or an internet Website.

Hits on the Internet: THe number of people reached via an organization’s World Wide Web site or homepage.

Advertising Equivalency (AVE): To calculate the value of message exposure, this can be done by converting stories int he regular news columns or on the air into equivalent advertising cost. 

Systematic Tracking:  Computer software and databases can now be used to analyze the content of media placements by such variables as market penetration, type of publication, tone of coverage, sources quoted, and mention of key copy points. 

All information in this post can be found in Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics 9th Edition


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